Risk Assessment Using Bowtie Analysis: A Case Study at Gas Exploration Industry PT XYZ Gresik East Java Indonesia


PT XYZ is one of the oil and gas exploration and production companies operating in Gresik, East Java, transporting three-phase liquid dry gas from Well Head Platform A (WHPA) to onshore processing facilities (OPF) through 18-in. subsea pipeline. In addition to the occurrence of the accident, some activities close to and intersect with the pipeline channel PT. XYZ is observed to increase in line with the development of industrial activities and rapid traffic of sea transportation at Madura strait. The purpose of this research is to obtain a description of the risk profile and the risk level of the pipeline in case of oil spill, especially in dense populated areas and Madura strait, using bowtie analysis. The results of study showed that there are several segments of the pipelines that have low relative risk (RR) with the value of 1.2, 2.1, and 2.4, while the average RR value is 2.8, with the probability of survive value ranging from 72.5% to 81.5%. It shows that the risk of accidents and the impact of environmental consequences are greater than those of the other pipeline segment. According to the result of this study, various mitigation and prevention efforts must be performed by PT XYZ to maintain and lower the risk level of gas transmission pipeline to acceptable levels through public education and relocation of buildings.

Author: Estu Subagyo, Kholil Kholil, Soehatman Ramli

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Risk Assessment Using Bowtie Analysis: A Case Study at Gas Exploration Industry PT XYZ Gresik East Java Indonesia

Tim Redaksi

Gedung Universitas Sahid Jakarta

Jl. Prof. Dr. Supomo, SH No.84 Tebet, Jakarta Selatan 12870.

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